
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Effets de Commerce--The 1928 Arabesque Provisional Surcharges

In 1928, Luxembourg surcharged the 45c and 50c 1917 small green Effets de Commerce revenues for provisional use pending production of the new 1928 Effets de Commerce definitives.  Barefoot in Benelux Revenues [2nd ed.] lists only a 2F on 45c, 2F on 50c, and 3F on 50c.  But other denominations exist (below, I show a 10F on 45c).  Moreover, the abbreviation Fr. for Franc is found both serifed and sans serif, and the numerals differ in minor respects.

But even more interesting are the pairs of arabesque squares used as part of the surcharges.   A small arabesque obliterates the denomination of the stamp; a larger arabesque obliterates the monetary range.  

The orientation of each arabesque can vary.  In theory, the following orientations are possible, such that many different pairings of the small and the large arabesques could exist.
Small Arabesque Types
small_normal_contrasted small_-90 small_ 90 small_180
Type A base Type A +90 Type A -90 Type A +180
Small_flip1 Small_flip1_90 Small_flip1_-90 8-Type A (flip 180)
Type A base flip Type A flip +90 Type A flip -90 Type A flip +180
 Large Arabesque Types
001a_contrast_-90 001a_contrast 001a_contrast_180 001a_contrast_ 90
Type AA (base)
Type AA +90
Type AA -90
Type AA +180
Normal_flip_90 Type LA (flip -90) Type LA (base-flop)
Type AA (flip)
Type AA (flip) +90
Type AA (flip) –90
Type AA (flip) +180

Abbreviations of Franc
serifed sans serif
Sans Serif

Due to the paucity of material available for study, we may never know the full range of possibilities.  If you have these surcharges in your collection, I’d be grateful to add scans to my small database!  In particular, I would like to know whether other revenue stamps were surcharged to denominations between 2F and 10F or to more than 10F.  Here are examples from my collection and the collection of Martien Zwitserloot in The Netherlands.
2 Fr. on 45c
Range: 1000-2000F
2 Fr. on 45c
Range 1000-2000F
2fr serif 2fr sans serif
Serifed Fr.

Type A base and 
Type AA Flip -90
Sans serif Fr.

Type A base flip and 
Type AA +90

10 Fr. on 45c
Range:  9000-10000 F
Type A + Type AA +90 with san serif Fr.
(Unlisted in Barefoot)
3 Fr. on 50c
Range: 2000-3000 F
Serifed Fr. and short, thin  arm on ‘3’
Type A base and Type AA +90
3 Fr. on 50c
Range: 2000-3000 F
Serifed Fr. and long, thick arm on ‘3’
Type A flip +180 and Type AA +90
3 Fr. on 50c
Range: 2000-3000 F
Serifed Fr.; long, thick arm on ‘3’ Type A flip +180; Type AA flip -90

3 Fr. on 50c
 Range 2000-3000F
used in 1930 on a 2210F Draft
Type A Base; Type AA flip -90
Garage Wengler, Ettelbrück
28 Jun 1930, payable 28 Mar 1931
3 Fr. on 50c
Range: 2000-3000F
Used in 1930 on a similar draft
3fr on doc
Type A base and Type AA +90

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pétange—Use of Self-Adhesive Communal Revenues



Here is an example of an imperforate self-adhesive communal revenue used at Pétange to pay an identity card fee.  What other communes have introduced self-adhesives?