
Monday, March 27, 2017

High Denomination Tobacco Tax Stamp

Luxembourg BNL Tobacco Tax
(300 grams)

Wow!  A €27.30 tobacco tax stamp.  Certainly must have come from a fine tobacco product.

Who has  a listing of the BeNeLux tobacco stamps with the tax rates?  There are many, although most of mine are denominated for lower amounts.  What does the AO in a triangle at the top symbolize?  Why is there an arrow in a circle next to the weight?  Much yet to learn about these stamps! 

As a life-long non-tobacco user, I'm something of a curiosity at the Luxembourg convenience store tobacco counters.  After buying tobacco products with interesting tobacco stamps, scissors in hand, I just snip off the stamps and hand the products to anybody else at the counter who might like them.  Philately knows no limits, really. 

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